Cinnamon 101: Uses, Benefits, Recipes, Remedies, And More

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There is no mistaking the warm, spicy fragrance of cinnamon. Just a whiff of this spice may elicit a longing for a cup of hot cider or a sweet, gooey cinnamon roll fresh from the oven.

To some, cinnamon’s flavor and irresistible scent are synonymous with the magic of the holiday season. Beloved as this spice may be to many, there’s far more to it than you’d expect, including surprising health benefits.

It’s time to unlayer cinnamon.

What is cinnamon?

bucket of cinnamon sticks with ground spice next to it

Cinnamon is a spice derived from the dried, peeled bark of a number of different species of Cinnamomum, a genus of evergreen trees recognizable for its fragrant bark.

There are two main types of cinnamon that are cultivated and used worldwide: cassia and Ceylon. Most of the world’s cinnamon (up to 90%), of both the cassia and Ceylon varieties, comes from Sri Lanka.

The remaining percentage comes from China, Vietnam, and Indonesia. There are several differences between these two varieties, but we’ll get to that in just a minute.

Although cinnamon is believed to originate from Sri Lanka, its use and influence have always been international. Historians have traced the spice’s use back as far as 2,800 B.C.E., finding evidence of its use in ancient China and Egypt. (1)

Cinnamon eventually made its way from Asia to Europe via Arab traders, who sought to monopolize the spice’s trade by making up elaborate tales about how difficult and dangerous it was to find cinnamon.

Their charade worked for thousands of years, causing cinnamon to be prized as a valuable luxury. Once the British occupied Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) in the late 18th century, the spice became commonplace, much like it is today.

How is it grown?

Cinnamon has a unique growing and harvesting process. When the cinnamon tree is approximately two years old it’s coppiced, or cut down. As the tree regrows, young shoots emerge from the stump, and it is these thinner branches that are harvested.

The bark from these branches is peeled off, and as it dries it curls into “quills,” or what most of us recognize as cinnamon sticks. These dried sticks may be sold as is or ground into a fine powder.

To see cinnamon harvesting in action, check out the video below (you can skip to 1:08):

What is Ceylon cinnamon?

As promised, it’s time to break down Ceylon cinnamon and find out exactly how it differs from the cassia variety. Ceylon cinnamon, also known as Cinnamomum verum or Cinnamomum zeylanicum (its older scientific name), is often seen as the superior cinnamon.

The most obvious differences between Ceylon and cassia cinnamon are the ones you can see. Ceylon is lighter in color than its cassia counterpart, which has a deep, reddish-brown hue. Ceylon is also much thinner and more brittle than the tough, thick cassia variety.

A quill of Ceylon looks quite different than cassia quills, as it’s comprised of many thin layers that have been rolled together, rather than one thick layer that has curled inward.

Compared to cassia, Ceylon is sweeter and far less spicy. This is due to the varieties’ differences in their levels of cinnamaldehyde, the compound in cinnamon’s essential oil that gives it its spiciness and aroma. Cassia cinnamon’s oil is about 95 percent cinnamaldehyde, while Ceylon cinnamon’s is only 50 to 63 percent. (2)

what are the different types of cinnamon
Infographic courtesy of

While Ceylon is the pricier variety of the two, it’s worth the investment, particularly if you’re planning on using cinnamon frequently. To find out why consuming large amounts of cassia cinnamon can be harmful to your health, skip to ‘Downsides to Using Cinnamon.’

Quick facts about cinnamon

  • Cinnamon trees can grow up to 60 feet tall in the wild. That’s a whole lot of cinnamon!
  • While only two main types of cinnamon are commercially produced, there are over 250 species of plants in the Cinnamomum genus.
  • Cinnamon is nature’s germ killer — it has antiviral, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties.
  • Cinnamon is also an anticogulant, thanks to naturally occurring coumarin (more on that later).
  • Cinnamon has long been believed to be an aphrodisiac, which has been supported by at least one study which measured the relationship between different scents and male arousal. (3)
  • Although cinnamon is mostly used in sweets and desserts in the western world, the spice is popular in savory dishes in several cuisines, including Indian, Mexican, and Greek.
  • Pliny the Elder, an ancient Roman philosopher, claimed that cinnamon was worth more than 15 times its weight in silver.
  • Romans in ancient times believed cinnamon to be sacred and burned it at their funerals. The spice was also used in their perfumes. (4)
  • Cinnamon was one of several prized spices that Christopher Columbus tried — and failed — to find in his expeditions to the New World. Although he wrote in his journal that he believed he’d found cinnamon, what he and his crew had actually discovered was a completely different plant, Canella winterana, better known as white cinnamon or wild cinnamon. (5)
  • Ancient Egyptians used cinnamon in their embalming process. You can find out more about cinnamaldehyde’s role in mummification down below.
cinnamon facts - mummification
Infographic courtesy of

Cinnamon nutrition facts

Cinnamon is virtually fat-free and sugar-free, very low in carbohydrates, and high in fiber. A single teaspoon of ground cinnamon contains 1.4 g of fiber, or about 5 percent of the average recommended daily amount for a 2,000 calorie diet.

Cinnamon is rich in manganese, with one teaspoon providing about .46 mg of this important mineral. While that might not seem like much, men only need 2.3 mg of manganese per day on average, and women just 1.8 mg.

Manganese is believed to play a role in maintaining healthy bones, regulating blood sugar, and improving brain function, among other benefits. Cinnamon also contains traces of some other vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin K, and calcium.

Here’s a more thorough breakdown of the nutrients found in cinnamon (but keep in mind that most people aren’t consuming an entire ounce of this stuff every day, so the values should be adjusted according to your actual intake):

cinnamon nutritional profile
Infographic courtesy of

Health benefits of cinnamon

Cinnamon has been used medicinally for thousands of years across many different cultures. Thanks to advances in science, we can know which health benefits of cinnamon have proven to be true, and which are merely folklore.

Here are some of the evidence-based health benefits of cinnamon:


Studies have indicated that the essential oil derived from cinnamon bark (cinnamon bark essential oil, or CBEO) has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

One study in particular found that CBEO effectively blocked 17 biomarkers, which are measurable indicators of disease, infection, or other stressors in an organism, when applied to a culture of inflamed human skin cells. (6)

This supports CBEO’s potential as a natural wound healer, but be warned — the same study found that the higher concentrations of the essential oil were toxic to skin cells, so exercise caution when using cinnamon essential oil medicinally.


Cinnamon has been found to have some of the highest antioxidant levels of any spice, indicating its great potential as a natural tool against disease and signs of aging caused by free radicals. A diet rich in antioxidants may lower your risk of certain cancers, heart disease, and infections. (7)

Helps manage blood sugar levels

Everyone’s favorite dessert spice may actually help regulate blood sugar levels.

While the research done on cinnamon’s effect on blood sugar levels has had mixed — even contradictory — results, there’s no harm in adding cinnamon to your diet if you need extra help managing your blood sugar levels, as long as you don’t suffer from any serious liver problems, according to webMD. (8)

As little as one gram of cinnamon, or about half a teaspoon, per day can help manage your blood sugar.

Natural pain relief

Cinnamon’s anti-inflammatory properties may make it useful for treating minor aches and pains. In fact, a 420 mg capsule of cinnamon was found to be almost as effective as 400 mg of ibuprofen in treating pain associated with PMS. (9)

This is great news for those seeking natural alternatives to over-the-counter painkillers.

Improves dental health

When it comes to keeping your teeth and gums healthy, you may want to reach for a cinnamon toothpaste rather than a mint one. Cinnamon’s antibacterial activity makes it highly effective at killing off bacteria that causes plaque and other dental issues. (10)

Plus it’ll make your breath smell like Christmas morning, so there’s no reason not to give it a shot!

Downsides to using cinnamon

Cinnamon has plenty of health benefits, but it’s not without its potential side effects. Here are some of the most notable side effects of consuming too much cinnamon:

Liver damage

Cassia cinnamon is known to be very high in a substance known as coumarin, which is linked to liver damage.

Coumarin naturally occurs in several plants, including strawberries, apricots, and cherries, but it’s more concentrated in cassia cinnamon than in most other sources at about 5 mg per teaspoon. (11)

This is pretty alarming when you consider that the recommended tolerable daily intake (TDI) of coumarin is a mere 0.1 mg per 1 kilogram of body weight, or about 0.05 mg per pound.

That means that a single teaspoon of cassia cinnamon provides the maximum daily recommended dose of coumarin for a person weighing about 130 pounds.

Some people can consume more than the TDI of coumarin regularly and not experience any side effects, while others may have far less than the TDI and have severe reactions.

To err on the side of caution, opt for Ceylon cinnamon, which has a far lower concentration of coumarin.

Allergic reactions

The cinnamaldehyde found in cinnamon has been known to cause allergic reactions in some people, often resulting in uncomfortable mouth sores. It goes without saying, but avoid cinnamon-based products if you notice a sensitivity to this spice.

Mouth and throat irritant

If you recall the infamous “Cinnamon Challenge” that swept the internet a few years ago, you’re probably already familiar with this potential side effect of consuming too much cinnamon at once.

Cinnamon has a drying, irritating effect on delicate tissues in the mouth and throat, and accidentally inhaling it can cause coughing, choking, gagging, and in more serious instances, lung damage.

Medication interactions

Cinnamon has been known to have adverse interactions with diabetes and liver medications, so consult your doctor about your cinnamon intake if you’re taking these types of medications. (12)

How to use cinnamon

As you know by now, cinnamon can be used for so much more than flavoring churros. Here are just a few ways to make the most of this remarkably versatile spice.

Cooking and baking

I’m stating the obvious here, but cinnamon is a welcome addition to both sweet and savory dishes. It pairs well with other spices, such as nutmeg and black pepper, and enhances the flavor of certain vegetables, particularly slightly sweet ones like pumpkin and yams.


Cinnamon is just as versatile when it comes to beverages. It’s what gives you that warm, fuzzy feeling when you sip spiced cider or eggnog. Combined with black pepper and cardamom, it gives chai its signature kick. You can even use cinnamon in a creamy shake or smoothie to give it that extra little something.

tied cinnamon sticks and powder for essential oils

Essential oil

Cinnamon essential oil, derived from either the bark or the leaves of cinnamon trees, is an underutilized way of consuming cinnamon, but it’s definitely worth familiarizing yourself with its benefits, as well as its potential risks.

The key to using any essential oil safely is to choose quality over quantity, and always, always dilute. A premium, organic essential oil may be considerably more expensive than its non-organic equivalent that’s sold in bulk at the grocery store, but it’s worth investing in higher quality oils.

Low-quality essential oils derived from plants sprayed with pesticides and other chemicals may prove dangerous for your health, as those substances are likely to be highly concentrated in these oils.

No essential oil should ever be applied directly to the skin or ingested without being thoroughly diluted. Cinnamon essential oil’s antibacterial effects may make it useful in treating certain skin problems, but it is known to be particularly irritating to the skin when applied directly. (13)

A dilution of about 1%, or two drops of essential oil per two teaspoons of carrier oil (such as almond oil or fractionated coconut oil), should do the trick. Before rubbing this diluted solution all over your face or body, test it on a small patch of skin and wait 24 hours to see if you have any adverse reactions.

A single drop of cinnamon oil may be added to hot beverages for throat-soothing benefits, but it’s crucial that you use the highest quality oil you can find. Remember that cassia cinnamon is high in liver-damaging coumarin, so opt for a Ceylon cinnamon-derived essential oil to minimize the risk of any unwanted side effects. Look out for Food Grade on the label, too.

This warm, fragrant essential oil may be diffused through the air, but exercise caution if you have companion animals. Cats are especially sensitive to cinnamon, so it’s best to avoid diffusing this particular oil if you share your home with a feline friend.

Learn more about how to use cinnamon essential oil and its benefits in this helpful video:

DIY air freshener

If you don’t have an essential oil diffuser, there’s a cheaper way to fill your home with the comforting scent of cinnamon, and it doesn’t require aerosol sprays that can damage the environment, or candles that may give off toxic fumes.

All you need are cinnamon sticks. Simply bring your cinnamon sticks to a boil (about one cup of water per stick will do), and then allow them to simmer for several minutes.

You’ll be able to enjoy the heavenly fragrance of real cinnamon without any synthetic chemicals, and as an added bonus, you can reuse the cinnamon sticks for air freshening purposes.

Try using cassia cinnamon rather than Ceylon for this air-freshening trick, as its higher concentration of cinnamaldehyde makes it more fragrant.


Pest and fungus control

Cinnamon is one of the best-kept secrets of organic gardeners.

Because of its antifungal properties, you can sprinkle it on the soil around your plants to discourage the growth of fungus, mildew, and mold while conveniently warding off annoying fungus gnats and other flying pests like mosquitoes.

It can also be used to encourage a seedling’s growth by gently covering the roots with cinnamon, which will also help prevent root rot.

If that’s not reason enough to love cinnamon, get this: it even works as a humane ant repellent. Ants hate walking over ground cinnamon, so simply sprinkle some wherever you don’t want ants to cross, such as outside your front door or windows.

Ayurvedic medicine

Cinnamon is one of the spices used in Ayurvedic medicine, or Ayurveda, an ancient system of healing used in India. It’s most commonly used to treat digestive disorders, usually in combination with other warming spices like ginger and black pepper. It’s also used to detoxify the body, improve overall circulation, and clear up congested lungs.

Cinnamon recipes

While oils, lotions, and potions are great, the most enjoyable way to get more cinnamon in your life is to eat it. This tasty spice can be used in both sweet and savory dishes and I’ve included some of my favorites below:

The world’s easiest cinnamon rolls

easy cinnamon rolls recipe

If you love cinnamon rolls but dread the thought of making them yourself, this recipe will change your life.

The Minimalist Baker’s simple, 7-ingredient cinnamon rolls can be made by the most novice of bakers. They have all the sweet, gooey deliciousness that makes cinnamon rolls so perfect without the hassle and stress of traditional rolls.

Caramel apple cinnamon roll mug cake

cinnamon roll mug cake recipe

If you’re a sucker for the classic apple-cinnamon combo (and frankly, who isn’t?), you must try this Caramel Apple Cinnamon Roll Mug Cake from Using a decadent yet simple caramel apple butter as the star, this 7-minute recipe brings together everything you love about autumn.

The best part? You can make it in the microwave! How can you not fall in love with this recipe? (You know I had to sneak at least one seasonal pun in here!)

Raw no-bake cinnamon spice cheesecake

cinnamon cheesecake recipe

Rounding out our decadent cinnamon-based desserts is this 8-ingredient, raw cheesecake from The Vegan 8, a site made up entirely of 8-ingredient vegan recipes (aka what I’ll be scrolling through/drooling over for the next hour).

Whether you’re a raw vegan or you want a simple, no-bake dessert, you will surely love this creamy, decadent, spicy-sweet cheesecake.

Vegan pumpkin chili


This hearty Vegan Pumpkin Chili with Wild Rice and Kale from Healthy Little Vittles is a perfect example of how to let cinnamon shine in a savory dish.

Pumpkin, beans, mushrooms, and kale are perfectly complemented by sweet cinnamon, spicy black pepper, and earthy cumin to create a filling yet healthy chili that will warm you from the inside out on a brisk fall day.

Fennel-roasted potato and butternut squash green curry

green curry recipe

Butternut squash and cinnamon make the perfect combination in this fresh twist on green curry from OneGreenPlanet. The cinnamon naturally enhances the subtle sweetness of the squash, while the creamy coconut milk balances out the pungent garlic, ginger, and fennel. What you’re left with is a satisfying meal that is at once savory, spicy, sweet, and rich.

Cinnamon-ginger seitan and veggies in coconut gravy

seitan veggie and coconut bowl recipe

Homemade seitan is simmered in a broth flavored with cinnamon, ginger, and cumin to create a uniquely delicious culinary experience, courtesy of While cinnamon might not be the first spice you think of when flavoring seitan or other meat substitutes, you’ll change your tune after trying this recipe.


Alternatives to cinnamon

Whether you’ve just discovered that you’re fresh out of cinnamon while in the middle of making one of the above recipes, or that someone you’re cooking for has a cinnamon allergy, there is no reason to panic. Several spices share a similar flavor profile to cinnamon, so it can be substituted in a snap. Here are a few alternatives to try:


Allspice is one of the best alternatives to cinnamon because of their remarkable similarities in flavor. Because it is so pungent, however, the ratio of allspice to cinnamon should be about 1 to 3.

Pumpkin pie spice

Another substitute for cinnamon, particularly in sweets, is pumpkin pie spice, which is made up primarily of cinnamon, ginger, and cloves. Simply replace the cinnamon in a recipe with an equal amount of pumpkin pie spice.


To substitute cinnamon in savory dishes like soups, curries, and chilis, your best bet is cardamom. This spice, which is a cousin to ginger, can also be used in a one-to-one ratio of cardamom to cinnamon.

Home remedies using cinnamon

Many of cinnamon’s ancient remedies survive in some form or another in the present day (with some alterations, of course). Here are a few ways you can use cinnamon at home as a DIY fix for minor ailments:

Cold symptoms

If you’re fighting a cold or suffering from a sore, tender throat, a soothing cup of tea with cinnamon may be just what you need.

A cold remedy from The Viet Vegan combines ginger, garlic, lemon, and a generous dose of cinnamon to help reduce the symptoms of a cold without medication. (14)

While the original recipe does call for raw honey, you can easily veganize it by leaving it out or substituting it with agave or maple syrup.


Problem skin

The answer to acne, fine lines, and dry, dull skin may be sitting in your pantry. When used properly, cinnamon can be an affordable, easy, and natural way to improve the look of your skin.

Instead of using harsh salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to treat your acne, you can try a DIY cinnamon-based spot treatment or mask, like one from Chic Vegan. Cinnamon’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make it a natural defense against acne-causing bacteria. (15)

Plus, its abundance of antioxidants can help fight off free radicals and UV rays that cause skin aging (but keep in mind that it’s no substitute for a good quality cruelty-free suntan lotion!).

A simple cinnamon scrub can invigorate your skin by sloughing away dead skin cells and improving circulation, giving you a bright, fresh complexion. Just be sure to test out any cinnamon-based skin treatments on a small area first to make sure you’re not allergic.

Hair loss and dandruff

Cinnamon has long been coveted as the go-to home remedy for hair loss and an irritated scalp. While there is insufficient scientific evidence to prove its effectiveness, many DIY beauty gurus insist that cinnamon is a best friend to thinning hair and itchy scalps everywhere.

You can try making your own soothing, hair growing mask at home with olive oil and cinnamon. Massage a mixture of one teaspoon of ground cinnamon or one drop of a high-quality cinnamon bark essential oil with about two tablespoons of olive oil into your scalp and let it sit for 30 minutes before washing it out.

Repeat weekly to encourage hair growth and/or nourish a flaky, itchy scalp.

Supplements available?

If you’re impressed by the benefits of cinnamon and want to incorporate it into your diet, you may be interested in trying a cinnamon supplement. Here are a few things to consider before stocking up on supplements.

Pros Of Cinnamon Supplements


Taking a supplement is certainly one of the easiest and most convenient ways to consume cinnamon. As long as you can remember to take it regularly, you’ll be able to reap the health benefits of this spice without having to take the time to prepare and eat a meal that incorporates it.

Measurable amounts

If you’re taking a cinnamon supplement, it’s easy to know exactly how much cinnamon you’re consuming because its measurements and nutritional value are laid out for you on the bottle. This is more precise than estimating how much cinnamon you’re sprinkling on your oatmeal in the morning.

Cons Of Supplements

Possible overdosage

We know now that cinnamon can be very beneficial in small doses, but there is such a thing as too much cinnamon due to the presence of coumarin, which can cause liver damage in even moderate dosages. That’s why it is crucial to follow dosage instructions carefully.

Other things to consider

If you do choose to take a cinnamon supplement, opt for a low-dosage, organic supplement derived from Ceylon cinnamon to make it easier to control your intake of cinnamon and, consequently, coumarin.

And perhaps it goes without saying, but be sure that your supplement of choice is vegan. Animal-based ingredients like gelatin and casein may be lurking in some supplements, especially if they are in gel caps.

While supplements can be convenient, they’re often not necessary, particularly if the substance in question can easily be acquired through whole foods. While it makes sense to consume certain nutrients in supplement form to avoid a possible deficiency, such as Vitamins B12 and D3, it’s less reasonable and beneficial to regularly replace real foods like cinnamon with a supplement equivalent.

Cinnamon buying tips

how to buy cinnamon - sticks, ground on a wooden surface

The type of cinnamon you buy — whether Ceylon or cassia, ground or sticks — is largely determined by your personal taste preference and what you’re looking to get out of this spice.

If you want the freshest tasting cinnamon possible, you’ll want to opt for sticks that you can grind at home (this can be done easily with a standard coffee grinder).

A cinnamon that is more expensive won’t necessarily taste better or worse than a cheaper one, as one blind cinnamon taste test from The Chicago Tribune suggests. (16)

Cinnamon isn’t always labeled by type, but it can often be identified by color. Cassia cinnamon has a darker, redder color that can easily be distinguished in either its quill or ground form. Ceylon cinnamon has more of a sandy hue, but it’s also more likely to be correctly labeled.

Cinnamon sticks should be completely free of any mold or pests and should be properly sealed. Avoid buying cinnamon sticks in a bag with any punctures or tears.

Neither ground cinnamon nor cinnamon sticks should have any extra ingredients. Avoid ground cinnamon that has any added flour or anti-caking agents if you want your cinnamon to be as pure as possible.

Avoid buying cinnamon in large quantities unless you plan on using it quite frequently. Like any spice, it will likely lose its flavor over time, especially if it’s not stored properly, which leads us to…

Storing cinnamon

The key tip to remember when storing any spice is that whatever container it’s in is airtight, as exposure to air will significantly diminish its flavor and potency. This is certainly true of cinnamon, whether you’re storing it as quills or in its ground form.

Keeping cinnamon in a dark, cool cupboard or pantry with as little light exposure as possible is another way to extend its shelf life, which should be about 3 – 4 years for ground cinnamon, and about five years for cinnamon sticks.

Of course, you can use it beyond these time frames, but don’t expect five-year old cinnamon to have the same bite as cinnamon that you ground yesterday.

Can you grow cinnamon at home?

While cinnamon isn’t a typical addition to most gardens, it’s certainly possible to grow it at home. With proper care, you can have a fresh supply of cinnamon at your fingertips.

A cinnamon tree may be grown from seeds, but they need to be planted as soon as possible after harvesting, which means that cinnamon seeds purchased online may have already lost most of their viability by the time you receive them, and they may fail to germinate.

To save yourself some time and frustration, you’re better off buying a young sapling if you wish to successfully grow cinnamon at home.

Growing cinnamon indoors

Because cinnamon originally hails from warmer, tropical climates, it won’t fare well outside in regions that experience harsh winters. Your best bet in this case is to grow them indoors.

Cinnamon trees do best in slightly acidic soil with full light for most of the day. Be careful not to overwater, as this plant is prone to root rot. Fertilize every other week throughout most of the year, but avoid fertilizing in the winter.

A growing guide from SFGate advises moving your cinnamon tree outside when it begins to flower, as the blooms have a rather strong and unpleasant smell. (17)

Growing cinnamon in your garden

If you live in a decently warm climate with mild winters, you can try your hand at growing cinnamon outdoors. Plant your tree in sandy soil that drains quickly to avoid the dreaded root rot, only watering once the top two inches of soil become dry. Cinnamon grown outdoors doesn’t have to be fertilized as often as it does indoors — every four to six weeks will do.

Harvesting your cinnamon

Once your tree is at least two years old, your cinnamon will be ready to harvest. You can do this by cutting down the whole tree, leaving behind just a stump, or by cutting off a large branch (which works better with an older, larger tree), but you’ll have to remove the tough, inedible outer bark to get to the good stuff. (18)

Cinnamon 101: in conclusion

cinnamon 101 guide to spice - tied sticks and powder on a table

Cinnamon’s distinct fragrance and flavor have made it one of the world’s most popular spices for many millennia. Thankfully, it is no longer as rare or expensive as it was in ancient times, making it easy for any to include it in their diet, no matter their budget.

While this spice can be extremely beneficial and serves a wide range of uses — from cold remedies to ant and fungus repellents — it’s not without its potential side effects, proving that you can have too much of a good thing.

Hopefully, now that you know the differences between popular types of cinnamon and the pros and cons of cinnamon supplements, you can choose and use cinnamon with confidence.

Did you learn anything new about cinnamon? What’s your favorite way to use it? Let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading!

About The Author:
Cristina Tangreti

Cristina is a writer, doggy daycare attendant, and vegan of nearly a decade. She earned a B.A. in Comparative Literature with a minor in gender studies from University of California, Irvine. As an undergrad, she served as president of the university’s animal rights club and conducted and presented research on the intersections of feminism and veganism.

When she’s not writing or taking care of dogs, she enjoys reading everything from autobiographies to YA fantasy novels, tending to her houseplants, cooking, and drawing. She lives in Southern California with her boyfriend and their dog.

Save to Pinterest!
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  1. Cinnamon Divine | History Of Ceylon Cinnamon |
  2. Joe Leech, MS | Ceylon vs. Cassia — Not All Cinnamon Is Created Equal |
  3. Alan R. Hirsch, M.D., F.A.C.P., and Jason J. Gruss | Human Male Sexual Response to Olfactory Stimuli |
  4. McCormick Science Institute | History of Spices: Cinnamon |
  5. Andrew Dalby | Christopher Columbus, Gonzalo Pizarro, and the Search for Cinnamon |
  6. Xuesheng Han and Tory L. Parker | Antiinflammatory Activity of Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) Bark Essential Oil in a Human Skin Disease Model |
  7. Pasupuleti Visweswara Rao and Siew Hua Gan | Cinnamon: A Multifaceted Medicinal Plant |
  8. WebMD Staff, Medically Reviewed by Michael Dansinger, MD | Does Cinnamon Help Diabetes? |
  9. Molouk Jaafarpour, Masoud Hatefi, Ali Khani, Javaher Khajavikhan | Comparative effect of cinnamon and Ibuprofen for treatment of primary dysmenorrhea: a randomized double-blind clinical trial |
  10. Charu Gupta, Archana Kumari, A Pankaj Garg, R Catanzaro, F Marotta | Comparative study of cinnamon oil and clove oil on some oral microbiota |
  11. Ryan Raman, MS, RD — Medically reviewed by Atli Arnarson BSc, PhD | 6 Side Effects of Too Much Cinnamon |
  12. WebMD Staff | Cassia Cinnamon |
  13. National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy | Safety Information |
  14. Lisa Le | Thaicia’s Traditional Cold Remedy |
  15. Eco Chic Muse | DIY Facial Treatment |
  16. Tamar Haspel | ‘True’ cinnamon is pricey, but is there an honest difference? |
  17. Audrey Stallsmith | How to Care for a Cinnamon Tree |
  18. wikiHow Staff | How To Harvest Cinnamon |


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