Tanning & Sun Care

Laying out in the sun isn’t for everyone, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need to stay protected against our living star’s rays. Even if you’re just mooching about outside during the summer months, you’ll want the best vegan sun care products you can lay your hands on in order to prevent long-lasting damage to your skin.

The problem is that many sun care products are decidedly un-vegan. The list of ingredients used by non-vegan companies is long, including, but not limited to:


A fat taken from sheep’s wool


A protein taken from animal connective tissue, commonly pigs, cows, or fish


Found across numerous cosmetics, but used as a moisturizing element in sun care products


Another animal protein, this time taken from the intestines and lungs, amongst others

Stearic acid

Another animal fat, used as a surfactant in many sun care items

Tanning products from big name brands tend not to fair much better. Many include animal products and even more have been tested on those who had no choice in the matter. Not good!

Finding good vegan sun care products can be a challenge, which is why we’ve devoted a section to them here on Happy Happy Vegan. As with much of the site, this is an ongoing, growing part of what we do and we’d love to hear from you about how we can improve it.

What do you want to know about vegan sun care and tanning products? Is there anything specific you’d like us to write about? Let us know by dropping us a line! ☀️


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