Best Wheatgrass Powder: Organic Supplement Reviews 2022

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Dr. Berg's Wheatgrass Superfood Powder - Raw Juice Organic Ultra-Concentrated...
nubeleaf Wheat Grass Powder - Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Organic, Raw, Vegan Source...
b Organic Wheatgrass Powder, for Detox & Immunity Support, Superfood, Vegan,...
Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Wheat Grass Juice Powder, 5 Oz, Grown in Utah, Made...
Amazing Grass Wheat Grass Powder: 100% Whole-Leaf Wheat Grass Powder for Energy,...
Dr. Berg's Wheatgrass Superfood Powder - Raw Juice Organic Ultra-Concentrated...
nubeleaf Wheat Grass Powder - Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Organic, Raw, Vegan Source...
b Organic Wheatgrass Powder, for Detox & Immunity Support, Superfood, Vegan,...
Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Wheat Grass Juice Powder, 5 Oz, Grown in Utah, Made...
Amazing Grass Wheat Grass Powder: 100% Whole-Leaf Wheat Grass Powder for Energy,...
Dr. Berg's Wheatgrass Superfood Powder - Raw Juice Organic Ultra-Concentrated...
Dr. Berg's Wheatgrass Superfood Powder - Raw Juice Organic Ultra-Concentrated...
nubeleaf Wheat Grass Powder - Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Organic, Raw, Vegan Source...
nubeleaf Wheat Grass Powder - Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Organic, Raw, Vegan Source...
b Organic Wheatgrass Powder, for Detox & Immunity Support, Superfood, Vegan,...
b Organic Wheatgrass Powder, for Detox & Immunity Support, Superfood, Vegan,...
Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Wheat Grass Juice Powder, 5 Oz, Grown in Utah, Made...
Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Wheat Grass Juice Powder, 5 Oz, Grown in Utah, Made...
Amazing Grass Wheat Grass Powder: 100% Whole-Leaf Wheat Grass Powder for Energy,...
Amazing Grass Wheat Grass Powder: 100% Whole-Leaf Wheat Grass Powder for Energy,...

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It may be a joke amongst non-vegans that all we eat is grass and salad, but we know that isn’t really the case these days thanks to a plethora of plant-based goodies available almost everywhere.

But, in the case of wheatgrass, that stereotype holds true! Vegans (and, let’s be honest here, non-vegans too) have been consuming wheatgrass for years, thanks largely to the reported health benefits associated with this particular green juice.

However, not all of us has the time, energy, or budget to buy and maintain fresh wheatgrass and process it in a specialized wheatgrass juicer.

The good news? You can still get your daily dose of wheatgrass in by using wheatgrass powder instead. But which wheatgrass powder should you use? What is the best wheatgrass powder on the market today?

To save you time and to answer the question above, I’ve narrowed down your top options in this article. In this piece. we’ll explore some of the top rated wheatgrass powder brands out there and look at a few wheatgrass related facts along the way.

Let’s get started!

Why should you consume wheatgrass in the first place?

woman in a striped top with a wheatgrass moustache and a glass of green juice on her bicep

I mentioned above that wheatgrass has some reported health benefits, which is why wheatgrass juice, shots, and powders have become so huge over the last decade or so, but what are they exactly? Why should you drink wheatgrass juice?

The truth is, there isn’t a ton of hard scientific evidence suggesting that wheatgrass is better for you than other nutrient dense greens (like kale or spinach, for example), but there is evidence that wheatgrass can help your overall health.

This is especially true when wheatgrass is taken in conjunction with other healthful foods. As with all superfoods, wheatgrass isn’t a silver bullet, but it can help supplement a healthy diet when used correctly.

Let’s take a look at some of the common reputed health benefits associated with wheatgrass, and bust a couple of myths along the way!

May promote weight loss

Currently, there’s no hard scientific evidence that wheatgrass can promote weight loss…despite what you may read elsewhere. However, there are numerous testimonials and cases of anecdotal evidence that do support this claim. (1)

People who incorporate wheatgrass into their diet often report that it helps suppress or curb their appetite, which may help them to lose weight. Now, again, we don’t have any scientific studies or literature to back this up, but it’s something interesting to consider.

Nutrient and antioxidant dense

Unlike the purported weight loss benefits, science supports that wheatgrass is one of the most nutrient and antioxidant dense foods you can consume. It has high concentrations of vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, iron, calcium, magnesium, and even a decent amount of protein (amino acids).

Studies have shown that these vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can help reduce cell damage, prevent dangerous oxidative stress, and protect your body from conditions like heart disease, neurodegenerative disease, and more. (2)

There have also been studies conducted that show the link between wheatgrass and an increase in these antioxidants and vitamins in the body and its cells. (3)

Wheatgrass is also high in chlorophyll, the compound that makes green plants green. This nutrient only found in plants can help with detoxification, boosting your immune system, reduced inflammation, and weight loss. (4)

Reduce cholesterol

High levels of cholesterol can lead to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, and more. Wheatgrass and the nutrients within it have been shown to help reduce “bad” cholesterol to a healthy level while also raising “good” cholesterol level, even when eating a high-fat/high-cholesterol diet. (5)

Studies also found that it had effects similar to a prescription medication made to lower cholesterol. Imagine what it can do when you combine its power with a healthy diet! (6)

NOTE: The studies cited above were both conducted on animals, as are many others. While we obviously do not condone such activities, we have included them here for you to gain a bigger picture of the product discussed. Apologies for any offence caused.

Fight cancer

Studies show that wheatgrass can significantly reduce the spread of cancer cells. They’ve also shown that wheatgrass can trigger cancer cell death, in other words it may destroy cancer cells. (7, 8)

However, these studies were “test tube” studies on very particular types of cancer cells, meaning we don’t have any evidence that this will definitely happen within our bodies or with all types of cancer.

It’s definitely an exciting prospect that means wheatgrass may help fight against cancer, but it’s far from proven as of yet.

Boosts your energy

Wheatgrass is high in B vitamins, which are known to help give you a boost of energy. Instead of that morning cup of coffee, you could try a wheatgrass shot to get you going. (9)

Ulcerative colitis relief

Ulcerative colitis is a subset of irritable bowel disease in which patients suffer from chronic inflammation and ulcers in the digestive tract. This can lead to difficulty eating and maintaining proper nutrition along with severe pain, discomfort, and can even increase your risk for certain cancers. (10)

One study showed that when ulcerative colitis patients consumed wheatgrass on a daily basis, they had a significant reduction in many of their symptoms. In fact, 90% of the patients involved in the study saw some sort of improvement in their condition.

Check out the video below for a full overview of this amazing study:

Improves digestion

Wheatgrass also has high amounts of digestive enzymes and fiber that can make digestion a smoother and easier process for you. It can help relieve digestive issues like constipation, gas, bloating, and other bathroom related problems. (11)

Check out our articles on the Best Probiotics For Constipation, Best Digestive Enzymes For Vegans, and Poop and the Vegan Diet for more information on digestion.

Improves common health conditions

I’ve already touched upon this earlier in a few of the benefits sections, but let’s outline it clearly here: the nutrients within wheatgrass may help reduce your risk of a number of conditions.

From lowering cholesterol to having the ability to fight cancer cells to protecting you from oxidative stress, the vitamins and antioxidants within wheatgrass can potentially lower your risk of:

  • Cancer cell proliferation
  • Heart disease
  • Digestive issues
  • High cholesterol
  • Neurodegenerative diseases
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Cell/DNA damage from oxidative stress (12)

Let’s be clear here: eating or drinking wheatgrass (or any one particular food) is not going to make you immune to developing disorders, diseases, or cancer. It is NOT a panacea.

However, alongside eating other well-balanced, nutrient-dense foods, wheatgrass can help you body work to the best of its ability, helping it to fight against disease and illness.

Wheatgrass powder vs wheatgrass juice

wheatgrass powder vs wheatgrass juice pin

With all that taken into consideration, it’s easy to see why people want to consume wheatgrass. After all, the benefits are varied and impressive!

So, now you’ve decided to bring wheatgrass into your diet, you have a decision to make: juice or powder?

Neither is necessarily better than the other. Some say that raw wheatgrass juice is better because of the freshness, but many powders will provide the same benefits that a fresh juice will with an added level of convenience.

Let’s look a bit closer at the main differences:

Wheatgrass juice

Wheatgrass juice is, well, made by juicing fresh wheatgrass. You’ll need a special wheatgrass juicer (check out my recommendations on the best wheatgrass juicers available) along with fresh wheatgrass.

Fresh wheatgrass has higher concentrations of chlorophyll and live enzymes, which, some argue, makes it more effective. However, it’s harder work as you’ll often need to tend to the wheatgrass (if you are growing your own), have a special juicing machine to extract that goodness, and have the time to do so.

Fresh wheatgrass can also easily grow mold or fungus, which is dangerous to consume. You’ll need to maintain and care for fresh wheatgrass, which means taking extra time and energy to essentially look after the plant…and not many of us have time for that!

Wheatgrass powder

While wheatgrass powder probably isn’t as wholesome as freshly extracted wheatgrass juice, it can still give you many of the same nutritional benefits without the hassle of using a wheatgrass machine and tending to a live plant. You also won’t have to worry about mold or fungus growing within the powder providing you store it in a airtight container away from heat and light sources.

Overall, people find wheatgrass powder more convenient and easy to incorporate into their diets. As long as the powder is harvested and treated properly when it’s made, it can be just as nutritionally beneficial as fresh juice.

Wheatgrass powder also lasts longer than fresh juice does, and it’s easier to use on-the-go and consume over time without wasting any of it.

Wheatgrass juice powder vs wheatgrass powder

Here’s yet another differentiation to go over. You might be thinking I just talked about juice vs powder, but this section is going over the difference between how the powder itself is produced.

Wheatgrass powder…

…is made by simply cutting wheatgrass, drying it out, and crushing it into a powder.

Wheatgrass juice powder…

…on the other hand, is made by making wheatgrass juice and then dehydrating that juice to form a powder.

So what’s the big difference? Powder made from wheatgrass juice is arguable more nutritious, since juicing is able to extract all of the amazing nutrients, vitamins, and minerals found within the grass and concentrate it better than simply taking the grass itself and turning it into a powder.

While both types are nutritious, some find they prefer the juice powder over regular powder for this reason. Keep that in mind when you’re purchasing wheatgrass powder.

Potential side effects of consuming wheatgrass

fresh wheatgrass juice and plant

Before you go and put 10 scoops of wheatgrass powder into your next smoothie, you should be aware of some side effects.

Wheatgrass has a very strong and bitter flavor to it. Many find that large doses or servings, when they’re not used to it, can upset their stomach and lead to nausea or even vomiting. It’s always advisable to begin with smaller servings before upping your wheatgrass dose if you’re not used to the product.

It’s also possible to be allergic to wheatgrass. You could experience the following symptoms:

  • Hives
  • Headache
  • Throat itchiness/swelling
  • Upset stomach

If you have any of these symptoms after consuming wheatgrass powder, it’s best to stop consumption and consult a medical professional.

How to consume wheatgrass powder

a glass of wheatgrass juice with a frothy head spilling over the top

As we’ve already touched on, one of the biggest benefits to wheatgrass powder is the convenience.

You don’t have to make a fresh juice or tend to a living plant. You simply scoop the recommend amount into a smoothie, vegan yogurt, or juice and mix. You can even mix it into a glass of plain, filtered water…providing the taste is something you can stand!

Check out our article on the best water filter pitchers to ensure you have the freshest, cleanest aqua to hand at all times.

On to the best wheatgrass powder reviews!

Now you know all of the benefits adding this supplement to your diet may bring, it’s time to figure out which is the best wheatgrass powder on the market. Lucky for you, I’ve done all the research so you don’t have to!

It’s time to get the scoop (pun intended) on the five best wheatgrass powders out there!

European Wheat Grass Powder by Bobica

This European wheatgrass powder by Bobica stands out from the crowd not just because of the interesting packaging (we love the design and the all black aesthetic) but because of the superb taste and quality.

This product is certified organic and vegan. The company sources the powder from the young shoots of the wheatgrass plant, which they believe helps boost the amount of chlorophyll and nutrients within it. They also boast no added preservatives, coloring, or GMOs.

However, it isn’t certified raw, which some might argue makes it less nutritious than other supplements on this list.

Regardless of that, those who buy it simply love this product. Everyone who purchases it says the flavor is smooth and great (well, as great as a grass powder can taste!) and it mixes easily into all liquids, smoothies, and yogurts.

Each container comes with 1 pound of powder, which the package says amounts to 56 servings. This is a larger amount than other options that are available, so it might not be the best choice if you are just trying out wheatgrass powder or if you’re not sure how much you’re going to use.

  • Great flavor
  • Organic
  • Easily mixed
  • No added preservatives/coloring/GMOs 
  • Large amount might not be the best for those new to wheatgrass
  • Not certified raw

Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Wheat Grass Juice Powder

Terrasoul wheatgrass juice powder is certified vegan and organic just like the Bobica option we just went over. However, Terrasoul’s powder is also certified raw and non-irradiated, which will make it more attractive to some buyers.

What does “raw wheat grass juice powder” signify? It means that during the processing of this product, the grass and powder never goes over a certain temperature (106 degrees Fahrenheit, in this instance).

This allows the majority of nutrients, enzymes, and other components of the product to remain undamaged, giving you the most natural and nutrient-dense powder you can get.

This option is also a concentrated powder, which means it has arguably more nutrients per serving than non-concentrated options.

Unlike the Bobica option above, Terrasoul offers 3 different size options: 5 ounces, 10 ounces, and 20 ounces. The 5 ounce is perfect for those who are looking to try wheatgrass powder and the 20 is perfect for those who know they love it and want to stock up.

Customers love the fresh taste, the bright green color, and the quick effects it had on their health. They do say that the taste is quite strong, especially since it is a concentrated powder. Many also make remarks about the product being a bit clumpy and hard to mix, which can be infuriating…especially at 5am!

  • Concentrated powder
  • Certified raw and organic
  • Various size options
  • Rich, vibrant color
  • Taste may not be to everyone’s liking
  • Slight clumping may occur when mixing

Nubeleaf Wheat Grass Juice Powder

nebeleaf organic wheatgrass powder supplement 1

This Nubeleaf wheatgrass powder is one of the most well-known ad recognizable names in the sector for a reason: it’s a great product from a very well-respected company. 

Like the Terrasoul powder, this is certified organic, raw, non-GMO, and vegan. It’s also certified gluten-free, free of added preservatives/colors, and produced in a facility with no allergens (no nuts, soy, dairy, eggs, etc).

What makes this option unique is that it is 100% water soluble. While some other powders have issues with clumping, this powder is specially made to completely dissolve in liquids. Customers agree that this is one of the most easily mixable powders they’ve tried.

As well as all of the benefits of wheatgrass powder you get with this product, you’ll also enjoy amazing customer service if you opt for Nubeleaf. If you have problems with shipping or any questions, their team are always happy to help out. We also love the choice of three size options: 6 ounces, 14 ounces, and 1 pound…although the largest size option is often out of stock (which means it must be very well-loved!).

However, this product does have a strong taste (as do most wheatgrass powders), which some customers relate to tasting like a garden. While this can speak to the freshness of the powder, it may be too strong of a taste for some wheatgrass newbies.

  • Certified raw and organic
  • Made in a allergen-free facility
  • Great customer service
  • 100% water soluble, making it super easy to mix into liquids 
  • Large size sometimes out of stock
  • Very fresh “garden” taste might not suit everyone

Amazing Grass Organic Wheat Grass Powder

This Amazing Grass wheatgrass powder option is certified vegan, organic, non-GMO, and gluten free. However, it isn’t certified raw.

One scoop is worth 10 fresh wheatgrass shots, so you’re really getting a concentrated boost of wheatgrass goodness when you use this product. We love the taste, the commitment to plant-based farming and businesses across the globe, and how easily it mixes into liquids.

Other customers say that this product helped boost their energy and gave them the health benefits they were looking for, which is always worth of a thumbs up.

However, there is a bit of controversy over the “new look” the product recently got. Some customers say that this “new look” also translates to a newer lower quality product.

While there are still many, many happy customers, some find the new powder to be of lesser quality and say that the new packaging is harder to read, especially the nutritional information. Thumbs down ??

  • Supports farmers around the world
  • Concentrated nutrients
  • Mixes easily
  • Great taste
  • Certified vegan/organic/GF/non-GMO
  • Questions about quality of “new” product
  • Harder to read nutritional info on new packaging
  • Not certified raw

Dr. Berg’s Wheat Grass Juice Powder

Dr. Berg’s is known for his commitment to healthy eating, an active lifestyle, and nutritional supplements that actually help you. While he isn’t entirely vegan or plant-based, many of his supplements are because he knows the power and nutritional value of plants.

And that’s certainly true with Dr. Berg’s raw wheatgrass juice powder. It’s certified vegan, gluten-free, raw, and non-GMO. His company says that their unique BioActive dehydration method allows the maximum number of nutrients and enzymes to survive in the powder, giving you the best nutrition possible when using a wheatgrass powder supplement.

It’s also grown in nutrient-rich soil to really up the concentration of nutrients, enzymes, vitamins, and more. It’s also concentrated, like some other options we’ve mentioned – one teaspoon is equivalent to 14 wheatgrass shots!

Customers agree: this is a high-quality, concentrated, nutrient-dense powder. They also say that clumping is almost never an issue, which is one of the biggest bugbears wheatgrass fanatics have when using a powdered supplement.

The flavor is also superior to other wheatgrass brands on the market. It’s smooth, slightly sweet, and fresh-tasting. However, they do sell a version that is sweetened with stevia and many customers say this ruins the flavor, so be careful which one you choose at the checkout.

  • Great flavor
  • Certified vegan/organic/non-GMO/gluten-free
  • Certified raw
  • BioActive dehydration method means higher nutrient density
  • No issues with clumping
  • Highly concentrated
  • Grown in nutrient dense soil
  • Stevia version is unnecessarily sweet, ruining the flavor

So… which is the best wheatgrass powder?

Dr Berg's best wheatgrass juice powder

Honestly, this was one of the harder review articles for me since all of these powders are high quality, great tasting, and an excellent way to get a huge amount of nutrients in all at once. But if I’m going to pick a winner, it’s got to be Dr. Berg’s raw wheatgrass powder.

Of all of the options, it has the best flavor (as long as you avoid the overly sweetened one) and it’s also raw, concentrated, and grown in rich soil so you’ll be getting the biggest dose of nutrients for the smallest serving size. It’s also easy to mix into almost anything without having to deal with annoying lumps and clumps.

You can also be assured that the brand you’re buying from is committed to natural and healthy products, not just trying to sell you a useless supplement. All this and the fact that other customers love the product, too, make Dr Berg’s offering my overall winner.

Dr. Berg's Wheatgrass Superfood Powder - Raw Juice Organic Ultra-Concentrated...
nubeleaf Wheat Grass Powder - Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Organic, Raw, Vegan Source...
b Organic Wheatgrass Powder, for Detox & Immunity Support, Superfood, Vegan,...
Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Wheat Grass Juice Powder, 5 Oz, Grown in Utah, Made...
Amazing Grass Wheat Grass Powder: 100% Whole-Leaf Wheat Grass Powder for Energy,...
Dr. Berg's Wheatgrass Superfood Powder - Raw Juice Organic Ultra-Concentrated...
nubeleaf Wheat Grass Powder - Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Organic, Raw, Vegan Source...
b Organic Wheatgrass Powder, for Detox & Immunity Support, Superfood, Vegan,...
Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Wheat Grass Juice Powder, 5 Oz, Grown in Utah, Made...
Amazing Grass Wheat Grass Powder: 100% Whole-Leaf Wheat Grass Powder for Energy,...
Dr. Berg's Wheatgrass Superfood Powder - Raw Juice Organic Ultra-Concentrated...
Dr. Berg's Wheatgrass Superfood Powder - Raw Juice Organic Ultra-Concentrated...
nubeleaf Wheat Grass Powder - Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Organic, Raw, Vegan Source...
nubeleaf Wheat Grass Powder - Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Organic, Raw, Vegan Source...
b Organic Wheatgrass Powder, for Detox & Immunity Support, Superfood, Vegan,...
b Organic Wheatgrass Powder, for Detox & Immunity Support, Superfood, Vegan,...
Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Wheat Grass Juice Powder, 5 Oz, Grown in Utah, Made...
Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Wheat Grass Juice Powder, 5 Oz, Grown in Utah, Made...
Amazing Grass Wheat Grass Powder: 100% Whole-Leaf Wheat Grass Powder for Energy,...
Amazing Grass Wheat Grass Powder: 100% Whole-Leaf Wheat Grass Powder for Energy,...

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Have a favorite green smoothie you make with your wheatgrass powder? Or do you think I missed a better product? Let’s discuss it in the comments below!

About The Author:
Lisa Williams
Happy Happy Vegan editor

Lisa Williams is a committed vegan, passionate animal welfare advocate, and keen follower of too many v-friendly food blogs to mention. She started back in 2016 because she felt there was a need for more straightforward information on plant-based living.

Back then, too many sites seem to either concentrate solely on recipes or be too intimidating or inaccessible for the v-curious, and she wanted to change that. The landscape is certainly a whole lot different now!

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  1. Jill Corleone | Wheatgrass & Weight Loss |
  2. Lien Ai Pham-Huy, Hua He, and Chuong Pham-Huy | Free Radicals, Antioxidants in Disease and Health |
  3. Dr. Ramesh Babu Bodla and Rajesh Mujoriya | A study on wheat grass and its Nutritional value |
  4. Joe Bowman and Jill Seladi-Schulman, Ph.D., Dena Westphalen, Pharm.D. | The Benefits of Chlorophyll |
  5. J Sethi, M Yadav, K Dahiya, S Sood, V Singh, S B Bhattacharya | Antioxidant effect of Triticum aestivium (wheat grass) in high-fat diet-induced oxidative stress in rabbits |
  6. Saroj Kothari, Anand K Jain, Swaroop C Mehta, Shrinivas D Tonpay | Hypolipidemic effect of fresh Triticum aestivum (wheat) grass juice in hypercholesterolemic rats |
  7. Rucha Diwakar Gore, Sangeeta Jayant Palaskar, and Anirudha Ratnadeep Bartake | Wheatgrass: Green Blood can Help to Fight Cancer |
  8. Noorjahan Banu Alitheen, Chuah Li Oon, Yeap Swee Keong, Tan Kee Chuan, Ho Ket Li, Ho Wan Yong | Cytotoxic effects of commercial wheatgrass and fiber towards human acute promyelocytic leukemia cells (HL60) |
  9. Willow Lawson | Vitamin B: A Key to Energy |
  10. Crohns and Colitis Foundation Staff | What is Ulcerative Colitis? |
  11. Gil Bar-Sela, Miri Cohen, Eran Ben-Arye, Ron Epelbaum | The Medical Use of Wheatgrass: Review of the Gap Between Basic and Clinical Applications |
  12. Sunil D Kulkarni, Jai C Tilak, R Acharya, Nilima S Rajurkar, T P A Devasagayam, A V R Reddy | Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum L.) as a function of growth under different conditions |

1 thought on “Best Wheatgrass Powder: Organic Supplement Reviews 2022”

  1. How do I start on the wheatheass? Is there a diet restriction that i have got to maintain? Being a first-time user how do I go about taking it and what are the precautions one should consider before starting on the wheatgrass powder? Will it cause any discomfort while I’m at work since I do suffer from gastroentritis?

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